
Public Consultation
2007 - 2009

Public Consultation Phase I
2012 - 2013

Public Consultation Phase II

CKR is a 4.7 km-long dual 3-lane trunk road, with 3.9 km-long tunnel. The CKR would become a key component of the strategic road network in Hong Kong after commissioning.

Central Kowloon Route (CKR) will connect the Yau Ma Tei Interchange in West Kowloon with Kowloon Bay and Kai Tak Development in East Kowloon, hence diverting at-grade road traffic from the major east-west transport corridors in central Kowloon. This would therefore effectively relieve the existing congestion problem and cater for traffic demand generated by future developments. Furthermore, the CKR consists mainly of tunnel and will thus help reducing air pollution resulting from traffic congestion.

The design of the CKR incorporated several features in response to the public concerns raised in the Phase 1 Public Engagement exercise. On environment, we will construct landscaped decks and noise enclosures and barriers at appropriate locations to enhance the environmental benefits of the project and at the same time introduce more greening and improve the adjacent environment. On culture and heritage, the recommended alignment will preserve the historic buildings of the Old Yau Ma Tei Police Station and allow Temple Street night market activities to continue during the construction stage. The approach of re-providing the affected public facilities in advance is adopted to minimise the impact to public services. The extent of the temporary reclamation for construction of the underwater tunnel in Kowloon Bay will also be kept to the minimum.

The tunnel will mainly be constructed deep underground in rock stratum. Therefore, it will not affect the foundation, structure and use of the adjacent buildings. The recommended alignment will not involve any resumption and clearance of private properties or relocation of any households.

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