STEAM Workshop

Aligning with the current educational trend, the Central Kowloon Route Project Team collaborates with different schools to organize STEAM workshops. Through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics education activities related to the project, such as DIY, worksheets and career talks, students can fully unleash their potential and strengthen their interest in STEAM.

ThemeLearning Focus (Primary School)Learning Focus (Secondary School)
Exploring the Central Kowloon Route (CKR)•Learn about the CKR and its benefits
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•Learn about the benefits of the CKR

•Alignment design of the CKR
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Air Purification System (APS)
Air Purifier DIY Model
•Particle size
•Application of APS
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•Detailed structure and application of APS
•Airflow and air pressure
•Electrostatic principle
•Air pollution
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Tunnel Construction•Material properties of soil/rock
•Geological profile
•Dimension of CKR tunnel
•Excavation methods (Drill-and-Blast, Tunnel Boring Machine,  Drill-and-Break)
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•Earth pressure and water pressure
•Operation of Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
•Drill-and-Blast Cycle
•Application of precast segmental tunnel lining and tunnel lining formwork
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Excavation and Lateral Support Works (ELS)•Introduction of ELS works
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•Application and characteristics of ELS works
•Basic principle of soil mechanics and water pressure
•Newton’s Third Law of Motion – action-reaction force
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Landscape and Urban Planning•Introduction of urban planning
•Design of greening/ landscape and recreation/resting facilities
For schools interested in participating in STEM workshops, please contact the Project Team via the “Contact Us” online form.
Event Highlights​

Mini Games

Personal Protective
Equipment Mini Game

Drill & Blast
Mini Game


Introduction of Central Kowloon Route
Tunnel Construction
Reprovisioning of Vehicular Bridge

Event Highlights

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