Quantity of Explosives for Tunnel Blasting
Game Instruction
Tunnel construction by blasting requires the charging of a suitable quantity of explosives at the blasting face. The charge weight of explosives used for each blast is determined based on the geological data collected before the construction stage and the vibration limit of building structures/utilities/slopes along tunnel alignment to ensure the blasting is carried out in a safe manner. It is also subject to the approval by the Mines Division of the Geotechnical Engineering Office.

Here is the formula to calculate the magnitude of vibration:

Tunnel construction by blasting requires the charging of a suitable quantity of explosives at the blasting face. The charge weight of explosives used for each blast must be determined based on the geological data collected before the construction stage and the vibration limit of building structures/utilities/slopes along tunnel alignment to ensure the blasting is carried out in a safe manner. It is also subject to the approval by Mines Division of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD).

Here is the formula to calculate the magnitude of vibration:

Now let's use the above formula to calculate the quantity of explosives required for tunnel blasting in the scenario!
Well done! You have selected the correct weight of explosives!

The blasting process has been completed successfully without causing any adverse effects on the building or the environment.

PPV: Peak particle velocity (unit: mm/s)
K: Rock transmission constant, given 644
PPV: Peak particle velocity (unit: mm/s)
W: Maximum explosive weight for each blasting (unit: kg)
b: Attenuation exponent, given 1.22
There is a 20-year-old low-rise building at Ho Man Tin, located 50m above the tunnel blasting face. The approved magnitude of vibration is limited to 25mm/s.
Decibel Meter